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This picture is ridiculous but so are your results when you only give a half assed effort.

We see people put in a bit of work, just enough to say they did “something”, yet not committed enough to follow through.

Then they shrug their shoulders and say

“I tried right?”

If this is you..... look closely at the photo again.

It will be a reminder for you that it’s ALL or NOTHING when it comes to commitment to accomplish something worthwhile.

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There’s a lot of Stallions who are willingly going to lap up the water you present them. When they are thirsty, they will come.

Pull along a person who doesn’t want to “drink” and they end up sometimes resenting you or brushing you off all together. At best you may receive a “I am glad you believed in me when I wasn’t so sure of myself”

Two final thoughts:

1) There are those who are ready to be “led to water”. Focus on those people if you are in a capacity to do so. Your experience and theirs will be so much more rewarding.

2) Sometimes “forcing the horse to drink” is more about you seeking self worth than it is about them. Perhaps worry more about doing great things as an example to the same horse you are trying to pull.

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Ask the right questions and you will unlock the doors to everything you have ever wanted in your life.  There is a science to the power of questions.  The question now is, are you asking empowering questions that let your mind go the work to get the right answers or are you asking the type of questions that cripple your progress and keep you stagnant and irrelevant?

This podcast will give you powerful questions that WILL change your life when you wrap your mind around the concept and grasp it.

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